Grade A products will have overall excellent to very good cosmetic condition. Some Grade A units will be cosmetically pristine, while others may have light scratches or other minor blemishes. Some Laptops may exhibit some shiny areas around the keyboard (space bar, touchpad and/or touchpad buttons), but the keyboard keys will be in excellent condition. Cosmetic blemishes will have no impact to the system’s overall functionality or performance.
These units will have some cosmetic blemishes that include scratches and/or other surface imperfections. Some Laptops may exhibit shiny keys on the keyboard and/or shiny surfaces around the keyboard. All key characters will be legible. Grade B products are functionally equivalent to Grade A, and will include the same warranty and customer support as Grade A products. Pricing on Grade B products will typically be lower than Grade A products.
Note: DFS does not cosmetically grade the bottom side of units.
Q: What is the difference between Grade A and Grade B products?
A: Grading criteria is based solely on cosmetic condition. Products classified as Grade B will have minor cosmetic blemishes, and typically have a lower list price than Grade A products. However, both grades feature the same functionality and performance, and both grades include the same warranties and customer support.
Q: Are Grade B products discounted?
A: Yes, typically Grade B products are priced lower than Grade A products.
Q: Do you offer Grade B products in all product categories?
A: Yes, however, we may not have Grade B option available at all times as our stock is limited.
Q: Are batteries replaced with new batteries?
A: No, however, existing batteries are tested during the testing and refurbishment process.